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Donna Amidon
Move the Box: Overcome Worry and Get Things Done
The appointment card had been on my nightstand for months, staring at me every morning and night. Why was it so hard to do a simple thing...

Donna Amidon
Does Prayer Really Make a Difference?
Is there something you need from God, and you wonder if prayer makes a difference? The other day as I was reading Romans, I was struck by...

Donna Amidon
7 Things Every Mom Must Remember
Not long ago, I attended a baby shower where we were asked to complete “Advice for the Mom-to-Be" cards for the new mom. As I began...

Donna Amidon
Overwhelmed by Life? Take Time to Rest
2022 started strong… until about day nine. It was a Sunday afternoon. My husband was watching soccer, and the kids were texting with...

Donna Amidon
Seeking God and Stepping Out: What's the Dream of Your Heart?
Last weekend, my family and I enjoyed attending a popular Christmas event called the Bethlehem Walk. As we pulled into the busy parking...

Donna Amidon
Never Enough Time? One Step to Simplify Your Life
I’ll never forget one morning when I put my daughter down for a nap and retreated to my bedroom to pray. That particular morning had been...

Donna Amidon
Trying to Do Too Much? Be Who God Has Called You to Be
If there was one word that could sum up how I’d been feeling, it was exhausted. Though it may not have been apparent from the outside,...

Donna Amidon
Hearing His Voice, Trusting His Ways
It was a story I’d read 100 times before, but this morning was different. It was the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. And...

Donna Amidon
In Transition? 3 Things You Need to Know
Lately, I’ve talked with many people whose lives are in transition. Some have changed jobs or started new careers. Others have begun...

Donna Amidon
When Anxiety Overwhelms: Rise Above Feelings and Rest in Faith
I think most of us have those days from time to time: days of being gripped by anxiety and void of God’s peace. It had been one of those...

Donna Amidon
Seven Lessons During a Season of Unrest
I find it interesting that the song “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe Cody was released just days before Covid. Yet I admit, the first time I...

Donna Amidon
Biblical Perspectives: Pray More, Worry Less
The other day, I did a study of the word “anxious” in the New Testament. To my surprise, I discovered a common thread. In almost every...

Donna Amidon
A Simple Question to End a Complex Year
For our family and perhaps yours, conversations around the dinner table this year have often centered on the heartaches and headaches of...

Donna Amidon
So You're Thinking about Homeschooling? 5 Things to Consider
Many moms have been asking the question, “Should I homeschool this Fall?” And with such an uncertain future, the question has never been...

Donna Amidon
Life in Crisis: What the Empty Tomb Tells Us
It's a different kind of Easter, isn't it? This morning, I was reminded of Romans 8:28: "God works all things together for good…" The...

Donna Amidon
Stressed by the Chaos? 3 Simple Words to Settle Your Soul
It was another day of my new normal. I awake, my feet hit the floor, and I whisper a prayer that today will be better than yesterday. As...

Donna Amidon
Fresh Focus for 20/20: 3 Steps to Keep You Moving Forward
Focus. It's what the athlete needs for the winning goal. It's what the musician needs to perform with precision. And it's what we...

Donna Amidon
Mary and Eve: The Brilliant Connection You Never Knew
If there were ever a picture worth 1000 words, this would be the one. Here we see Eve, the first woman, and Mary, the mother of Jesus....

Donna Amidon
When You're Tempted to Give Up: A Simple Guide to Not Losing Heart
Have you ever read a verse a thousand times, then a phrase seemed to suddenly appear? This happened as I was reading the Parable of the...

Donna Amidon
Getting Unstuck: The Key Relationship You've Been Missing
I’ll never forget my first day of college orientation. After a day packed with games, tours, and slide presentations, I was assigned a...
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